Privacy Policy |
Your Privacy - REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga respects your privacy and pledges to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. All personal information you share with us is maintained in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (2000). References to REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga may include its affiliates, depending on the context. For questions regarding our privacy policy please express this in writing to: Privacy Policy, REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga , 31-32 Aston Business Park, Shrewsbury Avenue, Woodston PE2 7BX. Legal Obligation of Information Release -
REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga will release any information that is required to be released by law or court order. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary that we disclose your personally identifiable information if we believe, in good faith, that disclosure is otherwise necessary or advisable to protect REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga's interests. We will seek to ensure that any proposed disclosure is required in the
circumstances and then ensure that we disclose only the information that is required.
REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga takes the security and privacy of our customers very seriously. This Privacy Policy is designed to provide you with important information about REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga's use of personal data as required by the EU GDPR. Your Personal Data REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga stores the following information about its customers:
Use of Your Information - REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga obtains most of our information through the signing of waivers and completion of Par-Q forms. With your consent we may also obtain personal information about you from third parties. This may include parents, guardian, coaches or whoever is registering you in a programme and paying for your registration. Use of your personal information for any purpose other than those outlined or the release of such information by parties outside of REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga or its affiliates will take place only under the following circumstances: (a) When you give consent – We will disclose your personal information when you have given consent. Under no circumstances do we sell participant or personal information to others. Please note that we will not share health information that may have been provided in connection with a programme, programme withdrawal or request for refund. With your consent, we may use certain information to provide you with information about REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga and its affiliates and programming. This consent is optional and you can decide to withdraw it at any time. Information collected by REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga about its users is used internally by authorised employees of REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga for the following reasons:
Securing Your Information - The REBalance Body Psychotherapy + Yoga website uses sophisticated security and safeguard measures to protect users' information. One such measure is our use of secure server software (SSL), to ensure that your credit card will be protected against fraudulent use while on our site. MINDBODY You can read our online booking system’s Privacy Policy here: Mindbodyonline Privacy Policy Where is MINDBODY’s consumer data stored? Where are MINDBODY’s backup servers located? MINDBODY stores all data in servers and backup servers located in the United States. MINDBODY has Privacy Shield certification which complies with GDPR regulations related to transferring data outside of the EU. Click here for a detailed explanation of how the Privacy Shield requirements align with the new GDPR guidelines. The following MINDBODY auto emails are considered operational (meaning you will receive them even if you have opted out of all communication preferences)
REbalance’s Communications If you have actively opted in, you will receive our monthly e-newsletter with special offers, updates, event invitations and more in addition to the very occasional email tailored to your interests/visit history. We do our utmost to ensure these updates are relevant and we are mindful to not spam your inbox. Last updated December 2022.